The PS Vita has had a very rocky launch as low sales figures and frequent issues plagued the device, the PS Vita was even outsold by the PSP during its second week. So many are predicting price cuts.
However now some Japanese retailers are cutting the price by over 20% remember that this does not mean Sony are considering a price drop, some retailers are cutting the price to get a few extra sales (though their profit margin will be razor thin)
Prices reportedly went from ¥29,980 down to ¥24,999.
Yes the sales are not very good, however personally im getting sick of all this talk of bad sales and imminent price drops, the PS Vita has yet to release in EU and US both regions which have better economy and are already huge fans of the launch titles, Japanese gamers are not interested in Uncharted however US gamers cant get enough of it.
Once the PS Vita launches worldwide, sales will be good enough to pull Sony out of the sand.
What can I say? I freakin love the PS Vita. I had my doubts about the system, until I started getting some hands with it. After that, it was love at first sight... and touch. The first feature that impressed me was the 5" screen – yes size does matter. Not that the PSP was a slouch when it came to image quality, but those extra inches, plus the bump in resolution really does make a difference. Image quality is mad sharp and crystal clear; not only do games look great, but high quality video is superb! Plus it has an excellent viewing angle – nearly 180 degrees. The touch UI – Love it! It's very responsive, simple, and easy to manipulate; getting around the home screen is cake! When the Vita was first announce and the screen size was discussed, I thought this thing would be unwieldy to hold, but I'm surprised how well it fits in my hand – definitely not cumbersome at all. Actually it feels nicer holding the Vita as opposed to the PSP, which wasn't that bad to begin with. The benefit of the size works also in favor of the touch keyboard; maybe it's because I've gotten used to the interface because of the iPhone, but it just feels so right when typing on the Vita – my thumbs fly across the keyboard, and the number pad is in just the right spot. Great job! The games we'll discuss separately, but so far I'm amazed. Overall, the Vita is a solid offering in portable gaming and if you haven't decided to get one, you should really consider it.

The Vita isn't perfect and I hope ONE of my negatives can be fixed with a simple firmware update. Right off the bat, the camera is weak sauce. I understand, Sony wanted to get the Vita out there at the lowest price point possible, but why oh why skimp on the camera? Better yet, why include a camera at all? They could have made an optional web camera with a higher resolution, because as it stands… picture quality is mad weak! ) .03 MP? COME ON!! Images and vids look grain Next is all the proprietary stuff. The Vita comes with a slot for gaming and a slot for a memory card; I understand why the gaming card has to be proprietary (antipiracy), but why the memory card slot? Sony memory cards are expensive – a 4 GB card runs for 25 at GameStop and a 32 GB? 100 bucks! You know how much a standard SD memory card cost? On Amazon, you're looking at 36 bucks! Sony, bruh, we couldn't get a standard MicroSD for the storage? Finally, if you like you're movies digital and you have a hefty amount stored on a hard drive, but you wanna make sure the format is proper or else the Vita won't accept it. Right now the Vita supports MP4 Simple Profile (ACC) and H.264/MPEG-4). No MKV? Divx? What about WMV? Sure you can convert your own vids for playback on the device, but encoding takes time.